Friday, February 19, 2016

Harper Lee, Author Of To Kill A Mockingbird, Dies at 89

Author Harper Lee has died at the age of 89.

Reported has been published on The Hollywood Reporter.

Harper Lee was the author of the famous book To Kill A Mockingbird, and was living in Meadows of Monroeville in Alabama.

No further information has been revealed from the source.

Harper Lee has been the winner of Pulitzer Prize and had written only one big novel.

Go Set a Watchman was the second novel from the author and it was released last July by the publisher Harper Collins.

The immensely famous book To Kill A Mockingbird was published back in July, 1960 and it brought to life the Southern lawyer Atticus Finch.

Finch was given the task to defend an African-American man, Tom Robinson, who has been accused of rape.

The novel was later made into a movie in 1962 with the same name.

The character of Finch was portrayed by Gregory Peck and it was directed by Robert Mulligan.

At the 35th Academy Awards, the movie To Kill A Mockingbird had eight nominations of which it won three.


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