Monday, November 6, 2017

Hollywood Plagued by Continued Sexual Assault Allegations

It  seems that every day  new allegations of sexual assault, harassment or abuse are levied against high-powered Hollywood figures.

Corey Feldman has named one of his alleged abusers after promising to out Hollywood’s “pedophilia ring.”
The 46-year-old actor accused his former assistant Jon Grissom, who later had bit roles in several movies, of molesting him in the ‘80s.
On “Dr. Oz” Thursday, Feldman called the LAPD to file a report against Grissom. LAPD confirmed they were “aware of the incident.”
The “Goonies” star has claimed for years that he and Corey Haim, who died in 2010, were victims of child sexual abuse.
The child actor recently announced that he’s launching a $10 million fund-raising campaign for a feature film to out the other members of the “pedophilia ring.”

On Monday, Feldman also accused manager Marty Weiss of abusing him.
Kevin Spacey is alleged to have made an unwanted sexual advance toward actor Anthony Rapp in 1986. Rapp was a minor at the time, and Spacey was 26.

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