Monday, November 6, 2017

Hollywood Surrounded by High Anxiety

Good morning, and welcome to the Essential California newsletter. It’s Monday, Nov. 6, and here’s what’s happening across California:
High anxiety in Hollywood
Hollywood has always reveled in scandal. The rumors, the whispers. The unfortunate photographs. The apologies and returns to grace. But the recent sex abuse stories have turned into a parade of tawdry violations and twisted passions, the stuff of movies acted out in real lives against the unglamorous air of disgrace. Some wonder whether Hollywood has been forever changed. Los Angeles Times
Story behind a lawsuit: The story of the woman who claims director Brett Ratnerraped her — and how she is now dealing with a defamation suit filed by the Hollywood titan. Los Angeles Times
Plus: Did being gay but in the closet help Kevin Spacey hide allegations of abuse? BuzzFeed News
Beyond the ‘killing fields’
Long Beach is home to the largest diaspora of Cambodian people outside of that country. For years, the community lived in the shadow of the "killing fields" of the 1970s terror and genocide campaign. But now, Cambodia Town is moving from survival to success. Los Angeles Times
Could more people have been saved?

The fire that swept through Redwood Valley last month — killing nine people, including some who were trying to escape the flames — has prompted questions about whether more could have been done to evacuate the community more quickly. A Times review of police and fire dispatch calls that morning reveals a chaotic scene as officials debated when to send evacuation orders and struggled to comprehend the dimensions of the emergency. Los Angeles Times
Housing woes: As expected, rents are already rising in Napa County after the firestorms. Napa Valley Register
On the lookout: Lawyers are circling around Santa Rosa’s burned-out neighborhoods. Press Democrat
Pricey insurance benefit: For the rich, private firefighters helped out in wine country. Wall Street Journal

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